Thursday 6 May 2010


Joy riding has become very popular in the United Kingdom and has become one of most committed criminal offences in the UK. Joy riding a slang term that is used on the streets but initially the offence is when on steals a vehicle and than drives the car without a driving licence in simple terms the driver is majority of the time underage. Most of the cases all involve a youth who have been under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The problem with this offence is that it could lead to something worse for instance killing someone or even killing themselves in the process. There are many reasons why one joy ride for some it is the thrill of it to get that adrenaline rush and then for others is to get away from reality. I believe that joy riding is completely wrong and immoral and indeed on should get punished for committing such a crime. Joy riding can not be justified for whatever reason.
Link on Joy riding:

Wednesday 5 May 2010


Definition: to speak spitefully or slanderous about a person without them being present. Backbiting is a common act that is done by everyone those who say they don’t are simply lying which in fact are committing another bad act. One after another, backbiting leads to more problems say for instance a person slanders someone behind their back and than those words get around and that person that’s been slandered hears it her/she will go and slander that person back or go do something silly that they will regret. In my opinion backbiting is wrong and can not be justified in any way what so ever.

Link in backbiting:

Response to Megan post on shoplifting

I agree with Megan that shoplifting is wrong and bad and that it is a form of theft. Shoplifting is regarded as wrong and immoral in all societies. No one would like it if one stole something from their home but essentially when steals something they than get greedy and tend to want more and more it simply destroys a person, ruins a persons reputation which no one wants.

Tuesday 4 May 2010


What is wrong with being greedy? Wanting something in great quantity to yourself is what everyone wants don’t you? Greed is wrong no matter what reason on comes out with. Greed destroys lives, family and friends, greed is when on has something but want more and more of it not realising that it could save someone’s else’s life if they had it.. If greed was eradicated from this world the world wouldn’t have poverty every person in the world have the basic needs for survival. Greed is considered wrong and immoral so give charity u greedy buggaz!!
Link on greed:

Response to Dulal post on greed

I totally agree with Dulals post on greed, he clearly highlights the fact that greed is a sin that ruins lives, family friends etc He also states a brilliant example of that once someone gets s taste of something they want it more and more even though they don’t need it yet they still want more. Greed in my views is a big sin and it destroys lives which in clear essence it is bad.

Response to Tia post on infidelity

I agree with Tia at a certain extent, I agree with what Tia has said that infidelity is wrong and bad. She states her opinion saying that what’s the point of going out with someone causing hassle and a bad reputation? Well in my views infidelity is totally wrong, it’s a big sin and there are no advantages to it, just pure bad.

Monday 3 May 2010

Football Hooliganism

What is hooliganism? lawless behaviour or conduct typical of a hooligan and a hooligan is a tough aggressive and violent person. Football hooliganism is something that has become popular in the UK but real problem in countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Italy, Russia etc So what attracts people to football hooliganism? Passionate football fans have hatred against rival fans hence they release their anger by beating up other rival fans. The sense of unity is another reason that attracts people to hooliganism. The pride that is gained through representing a certain team and than fighting rival fans is one main reason why some get involved in hooliganism. Alcohol plays a huge role in this factor that contributes an individual to be violent and aggressive.
Link on Hooliganism: