Tuesday, 9 March 2010


So why do people smoke? A very complicated question which has more than one answers to it. Knowing that smoking can kill than why smoke? There are many reasons for one to smoke; the teenagers of today’s society think that smoking makes them look “tough” and “cool” well it’s the right opposite your lame, studies have shown that smoking one cigarette reduces your life span by 11 minutes. I guess you smoke a box a day that’s 20 cigarettes times that by 11 and you get …. You do the maths!! Moving on many people claim that smoking helps those to relax and handle stress maybe it does but have you forgotten “SMOKING KILLS”. Than you get some who smoke because they want to loose weight well there are other ways of losing weight, How about you go do some exercise you lazy buggah! LOL Statistics shows that in the UK, smoking kills five times more people than road accidents, overdoses, murder, suicide and HIV all put together. Smoking if you never knew causes lung cancer which has the lowest rates of survival than any other cancer. So STOP SMOKING!! :D
For those who want to make an effort to quit i hereby present you a link:

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